Americans have been allowing changes to their laws with out much complaint or attention since at least 9-11-2001 when Pres. Bush began with the Patriot Act. There were a few out cries of how that takes away American Freedoms but the public brushed them off as extremists. Over the next 11 years more laws have been pushed through and more laws that take away our freedoms have become part of the American way. Unfortunately, Americans don't know about them. The NDAA was passed this year when Obama secretly and quietly signed the bill behind closed doors while in Hawaii. SOPA, PIPA, and ACTA were screamed about so CISPA quietly made it's way through the system with out much notice. It was recently pushed through the house of Reps and is on its way to Senate then it will travel to Obama who will likely sign it quietly just like he did NDAA. It has dawned on me why this can happen here in America. America was once a great country that was run and controlled for the most part by the citizens (the People). Over the years, century after century, decade after decade, Americans became more complacent and lazy and began to relinquish their power over to the government.
Now, The general American Population has no clue what is happening. They believe that their beloved freedoms that they have been taking for granted all their lives will always be there and be protected by the government who they gave their power too. Unfortunately, because the majority of Americans have stopped paying attention to what is going on around them and no longer understand the laws that provides their freedoms and offers protection of those freedoms. Because of this ignorance, the government who has kept a watchful eye on these laws and have been waiting so patiently for the American citizens to close their eyes and fall comfortably to sleep is now making its stealthy move through legislation and removing the laws that PROTECT the freedoms of Americans.
Those Americans who have appointed or Allowed to make the decision know that WITHOUT the laws that PROTECT the freedoms of Americans, the laws granting the freedoms mean nothing and are pretty much worthless. The government keeps the curtains of illusion that resemble freedom, up in the face of the Americans who are sleeping. This allows the sleeping Americans who open their eyes for a second to check if it is still there will see false scenery of implied freedoms and of course they will simply close their eyes again and fall comfortably back to sleep. Meanwhile, the government is stalking around quietly removing all of the laws that support American Freedom and Liberty so that when all of the supportive laws of protection is removed, the curtain of illusion will be removed and the sleeping Americans will awaken to find that those comfy little freedoms that were taken for granted are POOF, gone. Crumbled in a pile of ashes at their feet.
To bad, so sad. I feel sorry for my children and my grandchildren and all of my descendents to follow. Soon, the freedoms I once enjoyed and have known will no longer exist. America is falling. It is not just the economy. The economy is just symptom. Back in the day, one of the tactics of war was to cut off and separate the enemy from needed resources such as supplies of food, medicines and other necessities. Starve them out.
That is what is happening to America. We are being starved out. Soon, the economy will continue to collapse until the majority of its citizens are literally starving and desperate. We are not that far off from desperation already. We are becoming more and more dependent on our government to provide our basic needs such as food, shelter, and medical treatment. Those who didn't have much to begin with are the first to cave in and submit, surrender. The rest will follow as their resources deplete. The government has already cut off communication and broadcasting of the Occupy Movement. (Modern day Protesting) I bet that most people are not even aware that the Occupy Movement is still happening. The American Citizens who are fighting for American rights and freedoms, Liberty, are growing weary from being cut off from support. The Mighty American Government projects that soon, the Occupy Movement will become still, and go away, silenced by government oppression.
The Government must silence and block all communication of the resistance against Fascism in America. That is another tactic of war. Cut them off from all communication so they will not be able to know what is going on outside of their one little section of the war. This block in communication is Censorship of the Internet. The monitoring of our private conversations, and messages. The Government is using yet another form of war tactic against those of us who are fighting to Keep American Freedoms Protected. This tactic is to monitor all communications of the enemy. Know where and how the enemy is going to strike by listening to their phone calls, reading their electronic communications, Private Facebook and Google+ communications are not exempt but closely monitored.
Keeping Americans distracted by trivial crap such as religion, race, sexual orientation, abortion and the separation of church and state will keep Americans busy enough so that the freedoms can be removed and all the petty issues will no longer mean anything any more. Problem solved, right?
The one thing that breaks my heart the most, is the loss of the freedoms I used to enjoy and appreciate. I am one of the few thousand who can see behind the curtain of illusion. What I see behind that illusion is a very sad, very dull, very government controlled and miserable society. And to think, Americans are Allowing it to happen. Yes they are allowing it by not saying anything, not doing anything, closing their eyes and ignoring it. Not enough Americans are trying to stop it. Not enough Americans Care about it.
It is time to say your good-bye to Lady Liberty because soon she will be buried under new laws and legislation. R.I.P. Lady Liberty CISPA Video an FYI
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Rising From the Ashes
Since the death of my mom's mother, My family has been fighting and bickering. I am glad to have this Blog to say what I need to say and get it off my mind. The last couple of weeks have been very difficult for me, my mom and other family members. While it was all happening and I was emotionally involved in it all, I felt like I was never going to recover. Today I feel differently. I have had several family members tell me that they were supportive of me and that they are aware of the whole situation.
Today, I have a different perspective on the situation. I was told once that in order for change to take place, there must be some destruction and that at times it can be quite painful. It can be very difficult to accept change because of that. The destruction is very important so that change can take place and pave the way for something better, something different. (Out with old, in with the New)
Today, I know that my life is better with the recent change in my life. I did not realize how much the past abuse and those who perpetuated the old feelings from that abuse had been affecting my life and actually keeping me from allowing myself to become successful. This week I have been able to let go of the past and those who do not allow me to move forward in my life. It is like a huge tumor has been removed from my life and I actually feel a great relief. I believe this has been another part of the healing process that I needed in my life. I actually feel happier than I have ever felt in the past and for the first time in my life I actually see that I am capable of having a great future. I actually see the opportunity that I have for a positive future.
I actually realized this week that not only am I a good person and very strong considering what has happened in my life, but that I am also very intelligent and I have realized some of my talents. I was so worried about what the wrong people thought about me that I could not see how much the important people truly like and respect me. I discovered that I was trying to impress the wrong people. The people I was trying to impress were never going to like me or respect me or ever see any of my good qualities. They have never really wanted to. This week, talking to people who are influential and possess a great deal of respect in their community and who are successful, realizing that these are the people who are important and realizing that they take me seriously and respect me is an eye opening realization for me. I actually realized this week that I am a smart and talented business woman.
For the first time in my life, I see myself from a positive perspective. This week has been an amazing week and once I let go of the negative past and all of those who kept me in it, my perspective has become much more positive. It is as if someone turned the light on in a dimly lit room filled with beauty.
Had none of that Stuff happened over the last couple of weeks, I would have never walked out of the darkness into the light. It is said that all things happen for a reason. I am glad I got to see the reason so quickly. It is said, it is darkest before the dawn. I feel as though I have risen once again from the ashes.
Mourning and Grief from a Human Perspective
I wanted to take a moment and discuss a subject that most people do not understand. I want to address mourning. Everyone mourns for different reasons and Everyone Mourns in different ways. Most people have difficulty with understanding that there is a world outside of their own heads and feelings and forget that others can be affected by the same event. Many people mourned when Michael Jackson died and there were also many who mourned when Whitney Houston died. Some people mourn when they get a divorce or any other loss. One thing I want to point out about mourning is that every normal human being mourns for one reason or another at some time in their life. It is a natural and normal part of being alive.
What is mourning?
As we see by the definition below as presented by the Free Dictionary by Farlex, mourning is an expression or feeling of grief and grief when used in this context comes from a sense of loss.
mourn (môrn, m

v. mourned, mourn·ing,
1. To feel or express grief or sorrow. See
Synonyms at grieve.
2. To show grief for a death by
conventional signs, as by wearing black clothes.
3. To make a low, indistinct, mournful
sound. Used especially of a dove.
1. To feel or express deep regret for: mourned the wasted years.
2. To grieve over (someone who has died).
3. To utter sorrowfully.
When someone has experienced any sense of loss they often grieve and essentially need to go through a mourning period which is one of the ways humans cope with such events in life.
How do people mourn/grieve?
Everyone has a different way of dealing with grief because everyone has their own coping skills and methods in which they process information and handle traumatic experiences such as the loss associated with grief/mourning. Basically, some people can be debilitated for a period of time while someone else may appear to be virtually unaffected. These differences do not necessarily mean that one loved something more than the other or that one feels less loss. It simply means that they have different coping skills and deal with grief differently.
Everyone who has been through grief counseling has heard that there are five stages of grief. These five stages are not written in some proverbial stone with out any flexibility. These stages are not necessarily experienced in the same order and some do not go through all five stages of grief.
The Five Stages Of Grief.
Disbelief - One may not believe that the event took place and often try to come up with other explanations for the loss so that they do not have to deal with the actual loss. I recall when I was told that a friend of mine had been murdered; it took me several hours of working through those words and that concept before I could move forward from that moment in time. It was very difficult for me at that moment but eventually I moved on to another stage and was able at that time to determine what I needed to do at that point. I had to get past that stage before I could react.
Yearning - One may have a desire, wish, or longing for the event that caused the loss to be reversed. Depending on the type of loss would determine what one may wish to reverse. One may simply wish that it was a misunderstanding or incorrect data.
Anger - Some people get very angry and lash out at everyone in their path from the person at supermarket, other family members with whom they feel are not grieving correctly all the way to the professional agent who did not stop the loss from happening.
Depression - Quite often one may feel very sad, have no motivation to get up in the morning, do their hair or even eat a meal. Depression can last for just a few days or even years caused by a loss in someone's life. That depends on the individual and how well they cope with the loss. Depression is a sense of sadness or gloom. It is where the individual is feeling emotionally sunken and may often withdraw.
Acceptance - This is the stage where the loss has been realized. Often, acceptance is present from the beginning and as time goes by with the emotional healing taking place, acceptance becomes stronger as time and stages pass.
I have experienced my share of grief in my life considering that there have been many events that have taken place in my life that has caused quite a bit of loss. Some of these have been house fires, divorce, lost loves, and even deaths.
I personally know people who are still grieving over many things in their lives and because they are in their own part of their own method of grieving they have difficulty seeing that others are not grieving and that the world has continued to go on with out them. They are so deep in the all of the grief that they can not see that the rest of the world is not affected by their lives or their grief. We see them; we recognize they need some time to themselves. We offer them our condolences and sympathy but at the same time the rest of the world is going to move forward with out them. I know that some people may be angry at other family members because they feel the other family members somehow disrespected the dead by not grieving the same way as they feel is appropriate. When grieving a loss of any kind, it is important to keep in mind that others grieve differently and in their own stages and just because someone does not appear to be grieving does not mean that they did not grieve and just because a loss may affect you does not mean it affected others the same way. We are all human and perceive the world from different perspectives therefore being affected differently by the same event.
I hope the best for everyone who is or will ever grieve from the loss of something or someone. I hope they all find healing and can recover from their losses. From their perspective it will never end while from the perspective of the rest of the world, we know that they will eventually learn to cope with the loss and will someday have the opportunity to be happy again. The reason they will be happy again is because it is the natural process of human beings. If the individual is depressed for an unhealthy period of time, withdraws, displays signs of suicidal behavior or thoughts or does not seem to be recovering while it is affecting their life, it would be a good idea for a loved one or friend to step in and schedule an appointment with a grief counselor or other mental health professional. While loved ones are grieving it is also a good idea to watch for signs of suicidal ideations because intervention may be necessary.
Freedom and the U.S. Constitution
One of the public issues that I have a very strong interest
in is Freedom and of course two particular parts of the 1st Amendment in the United States
As we see as quoted below from Cornell University
Law School,
The first Amendment to the United States Constitution contains both of my
favorite issues. The first one I fight
for is FREEDOM OF RELIGION and the second is the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. I would
like to address two things in this post. 1. What being FREE in the terms of
true FREEDOM actually means and 2. What does FREEDOM OF SPEECH mean in U.S.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.What does it mean when the Founders of the United States of America mentions Freedom? Here is the philosophy of Freedom. Since most Americans who claim the First Amendment do not even understand what the word Freedom means in context of Law, Government or even with in the context of the relationship between human beings.
“Philosophy . the power to exercise choice and make decisions without constraint from within or without; autonomy; self-determination.” Quoted from the website
I am going to explain this as simply and plainly as I can. If for some reason you do not understand what I am talking about or if I am using terms or words you do not understand then use the internet to look them up.
Being free does NOT mean that just because you want to do something you can do what ever you please. It does NOT mean that you are free to rape, pillage, murder, or break laws of the government or humanity. It does NOT mean that you can impose your will on another person. It absolutely means that with FREEDOM comes a responsibility not to impose or prevent the experience of FREEDOM of another. I will give you an obvious example.
John Doe likes to rape and kill little children. He does NOT have the right or the FREEDOM to go around raping and killing little children. He is arrested, has a full and fair trial and finds himself in prison for raping and killing little children. He screams that his FREEDOM was impeded upon because he is not allowed to do as he chooses when he wants to rape and murder little children. Can you tell me WHY his claim that “his freedom has been impeded” is invalid? Likely not so I will tell you. His claim is invalid because He was in fact impeding on the rights and FREEDOM of the little children to live a happy and natural life and did not allow them the FREEDOM to make the choice to be raped or not. Had the children been given the choice, they would have made the choice to play with their friends and live a full and natural life and NOT being raped and murdered.
To truly be FREE it must apply to ALL. That means that if we desire the FREEDOM to make choices and live as we see fit. WE ALL have the responsibility to avoid impeding on the FREEDOM of others. Breaking it down to its basic principle, we are only free to do what we want as long as it does not impede on another’s freedom of choice. Freedom is basically having a “CHOICE” with out taking away someone else’s freedom to choose. With that said, you should now be aware that even FREEDOM has limits.
Now I am going to address the topic of FREEDOM of SPEECH. Now that we have learned what FREEDOM means, let’s apply it to FREEDOM of SPEECH. This right means that we have the right to express an opinion, tell about one’s life experiences, report the news as long as it is fact, etc. with in the limits of the law. What it does NOT apply to would be such things as verbal harassment or verbal attacks and any form of verbal abuse. (if you do not know what constitutes a verbal attack or harassment please look it up). When FREEDOM FIGHTERS like me talk about FREEDOM of SPEECH we are referring to keeping the internet, the press, books and other form of expressed speech from being censored. We do NOT fight for the right to verbally assault or abuse another in writing or in any other form of speech. Does this mean that you or I have to listen to or read what others have to say? Absolutely NOT! That is the beauty of FREEDOM. It works both ways. If there is a book, post, news paper article, a public speech or any form of expression of speech that you do not want to read or hear, YOU and I both have the CHOICE to not look at it, read it, or listen to it. We have the FREEDOM to Choose to walk away. That is how the freedom of speech works. If you do not like what I say or write than you do not have read it or listen to it. In fact, you can start your own Blog and write what ever you want as long as it is within the confines of the law. I have the right to ignore or not read your Blog Posts; I have the right to not listen to your speech. Most importantly I have the RIGHT and FREEDOM to ignore, block, and walk away from verbal abuse. Freedom of speech means you can say what you have to say, it does not mean anyone is required to listen.
One last point I would like to add to this subject is simply that the United States Constitution is not the Bible. It doesn’t work when people try to twist the meaning of what the constitution states into an idea or meaning that suits the individual. The Bible is often open to interpretation by the individual. The Law of the United States is Black and White. It is absent of opinion, emotion, desire, beliefs and all the human perceptions. The interpretation of the law of the United States Constitution is not determined by individuals or any groups. The interpretation of the United States Constitution is interpreted only by those appointed in Law, The Government of the United States. The Bible is interpreted to have many different meaning by many different groups who need to justify their illogical, unethical and at time criminal behavior. It does not work the same with the Laws, Constitution, Bill of Rights etc.
When you want to use the Constitution or the 1st Amendment to justify verbal abuse or harassment of a fellow human, expect to be put in your place by someone who understands the law you are citing and think twice before shoving both feet in your mouth and looking foolish.
By the way this also applies to FREEDOM of RELIGION. It really does mean that ALL religions have equal freedom to be practiced, expressed, and taught with in the confines of the law. (Example: human sacrifice is not exempt from being punishable by law just because it is claimed to be part of a religion).
Hate speech is NOT Free speech.
I hope this post has been most informative to all who have chosen to read it.
Family: What does it mean?
Reality is what we perceive it to be. That was a fundamental
principle I learned in Psychology. Based on that principle I am going to go on
the premise that in written and verbal communication there are various words
that have various meanings for different individuals. One question that I have
been seeing a whole lot is “what is family?”.
Here is a brief definition for the word family in the context in which I
will be addressing in this post.
From the Online Dictionary.
Definition of FAMILY
: a group of individuals
living under one roof and usually under one head : household
a : a group of persons of common
ancestry : clan b : a people or group of
peoples regarded as deriving from a common stock : race
a : a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation
: fellowship b : the staff of a high
official (as the President)
c : a group of related languages descended from a single ancestral
a : the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents
rearing their children; also : any of various social units differing from but regarded as
equivalent to the traditional family <a single-parent family> b : spouse and children <want to spend more
time with my family>
I use the term family in various ways and over the years my
own personal definition of family has shrank considerably.
Here are some Definitions I found in the Urban
1. family
A bunch of people who hate each other and eat dinner
I have to go to a family function.
My personal favorite definition:
Three types of family
-the family your born into
-the family you marry into
-the family you make
Its always changing, people die, get born, marry in and divorce out, but its people who for some reason or another claim each other, whether it's by blood or by your own choice.
-the family your born into
-the family you marry into
-the family you make
Its always changing, people die, get born, marry in and divorce out, but its people who for some reason or another claim each other, whether it's by blood or by your own choice.
I hate family reunions, people are always coming up to me
and saying, 'HI!! You look so much bigger than the last time I saw you!' and
I'm just thinking, is it bad that I don't know who you are?
3. family
The close relationships among a body of human beings through
blood. Usually are annoying and invasive around the holidays.
"You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your
family. Unless you kill them, marry somebody and procreate to start a new
One thing I know for sure, is that what ever the definition
is for others, Family to me are those
whom you surround yourself with that are part of a support system for you and
you for them. Family is all the people who love you and you love back. You do
not have to be biologically related to someone to be family.
People who are from the same Gene pool or who are
genetically related are merely relatives. Relatives are those with whom you are
thrown in the same category or jar. The only benefit a relative has is to serve
the purpose of understanding the genetic disposition of health, disease, and
genetic disorders. Genetics play a very small part in determining who we are
and what we become. In my opinion, relatives are not of much use at all.
Relatives should not be confused with family. Family will be by your side no matter
what, as long as you allow them to be. Relatives are your friend as long as
there is something in it for them. Family is all the people you have an
emotional relationship with. Family is all the people with whom you have an
emotional bond, mutual trust, and have each other’s back. Relatives don’t
really care about you and will turn on you like a rabid dog when you no longer
serve their purpose (or you serve the purpose of gratifying their blood thirsty
need to abuse someone). If you are lucky, the relative will just go away but
most likely the relative will not leave you alone until they have taken as much
from you as they could and destroyed you the best that they could manage.
Family = Love, support system, Loyalty, truth, and Trust
Relative = self-serving acts, falsehoods (lies), fake smiles
and fake hugs, destructive or abusive behavior toward you, betrayal.
I will always be loyal to my family; my relatives will be
kept at a safe distance. I keep them each in their perspective place.
What is Family to
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