Saturday, May 19, 2012

What the Government Needs to do but Won't

The marijuana debate, a judge's plea and readers' thoughts

Please take a minute to read the above post then take a minute to read the post below. Please feel free to comment as long as your comments are relevant to this post and it's contents, regardless if it agrees or disagrees with what I have said, it will remain in the comments. If it does not then it will be removed. Just sayin'.

We are the brightest bulbs in the bunch. That is what makes us a threat. The fact that we back Marijuana legalization makes the right wing wackos believe we have no credibility. I do not smoke marijuana, I am not a drug user, in fact I am very selective on which drugs I will take that are prescribed by a qualified physician or their stupid little assistants. I rarely have a small drink of an alcoholic beverage and I do not smoke tobacco. I also believe that all drugs should be legalized with the same respect as prescription drugs. With warning labels and a list of possible side effects. Crimes committed because of drug addiction or alcoholism should be prosecuted as usual. Making any drug illegal is not going to stop anyone from using it and it is not going to end drug/alcohol abuse and addiction and it is not going to prevent crimes. What making it legal will do, it will free up tax payers money by ending the war on drugs and allowing the drug abusers and addicts to destroy themselves and those who survive and recover, good for them. Reallocate the war on drugs funds to Give back the benefits to the working poor, the disabled, and the elderly. Give back to the schools who teach our children and lower the politicians wages since they can't find their way out of a paper bag to do their jobs anyway. Legalize same sex marriage, after all if anyone is stupid enough to sign that freaken contract, let them.  Recognize that abuse, hate speech, bullying and assault on others is not an acceptable expression of religious rights or any other right with the exception of the "right to remain silent". Implement the Buffet Rule and tell anyone who disagrees to find another country to live in. Also, one more thing. If anyone wants to migrate to this country they can do it through legal channels and move through the red tape. We have immigration laws for a reason and one of those reasons is population control. Not important to anyone who does not understand the need to prevent over population through immigration but to those of us who understand the over population problems in Asian countries and other over populated areas such as New York City, we know how it can destroy a country and starve a nation. No, I am not a racist or a bigot nor am I against any race, religion, disability or sexual orientation, age or any other demographic. I am a supporter of the ACLU and I believe in American Freedom and Rights. I also see history repeating itself. Ever think about the disappearance of the Mayans or the collapse of the Roman civilization and other civilizations demise over recorded history? Things are changing with the Patriot Act, NDAA, and CISPA and others that are to come. I see the coming demise of the United States, and honestly, so do many others, only most do not understand what they are seeing. Legalizing pot is just a small piece. I have said my good-byes to Lady Liberty because she is currently being buried under new acts, laws, and legislation until she will no longer exist.  The worst part of it, is that I am 100% correct and I will be labeled a nut job. It is not Government conspiracy, after all, the government doesn't need to conspire and keep secret any of it because the American public doesn't even know what they are seeing the government do right out in the open in the first place. To bad, So sad.  It is all on those who choose to do nothing, those who close their eyes and ignore what is happening and those who are selecting it to happen because they are straight up greedy and moronic. It will be a world that is good for the corporate heads and hand picked Government puppets and bad for the rest of us. Enjoy what you all have chosen and know it is your fault because you let it happen. Natural selection, Nature taking it's course, evolution, and history repeats itself.  There will forever be the Oppressed and the Oppressor. The faces just change a bit.

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