Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Family: What does it mean?

Reality is what we perceive it to be. That was a fundamental principle I learned in Psychology. Based on that principle I am going to go on the premise that in written and verbal communication there are various words that have various meanings for different individuals. One question that I have been seeing a whole lot is “what is family?”.  Here is a brief definition for the word family in the context in which I will be addressing in this post.

From the  Online Dictionary.

Definition of FAMILY

: a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head : household
a : a group of persons of common ancestry : clan b : a people or group of peoples regarded as deriving from a common stock : race
a : a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation : fellowship b : the staff of a high official (as the President)
c : a group of related languages descended from a single ancestral language

a : the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children; also : any of various social units differing from but regarded as equivalent to the traditional family <a single-parent family> b : spouse and children <want to spend more time with my family>

I use the term family in various ways and over the years my own personal definition of family has shrank considerably.

Here are some Definitions I found in the Urban

1. family 
A bunch of people who hate each other and eat dinner together.
I have to go to a family function.

My personal favorite definition:
2. Family 
Three types of family
-the family your born into
-the family you marry into
-the family you make
Its always changing, people die, get born, marry in and divorce out, but its people who for some reason or another claim each other, whether it's by blood or by your own choice.
I hate family reunions, people are always coming up to me and saying, 'HI!! You look so much bigger than the last time I saw you!' and I'm just thinking, is it bad that I don't know who you are?

3. family 
The close relationships among a body of human beings through blood. Usually are annoying and invasive around the holidays.
"You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family. Unless you kill them, marry somebody and procreate to start a new one."

One thing I know for sure, is that what ever the definition is for others, Family to me are those whom you surround yourself with that are part of a support system for you and you for them. Family is all the people who love you and you love back. You do not have to be biologically related to someone to be family.

People who are from the same Gene pool or who are genetically related are merely relatives. Relatives are those with whom you are thrown in the same category or jar. The only benefit a relative has is to serve the purpose of understanding the genetic disposition of health, disease, and genetic disorders. Genetics play a very small part in determining who we are and what we become. In my opinion, relatives are not of much use at all.

Relatives should not be confused with family. Family will be by your side no matter what, as long as you allow them to be. Relatives are your friend as long as there is something in it for them. Family is all the people you have an emotional relationship with. Family is all the people with whom you have an emotional bond, mutual trust, and have each other’s back. Relatives don’t really care about you and will turn on you like a rabid dog when you no longer serve their purpose (or you serve the purpose of gratifying their blood thirsty need to abuse someone). If you are lucky, the relative will just go away but most likely the relative will not leave you alone until they have taken as much from you as they could and destroyed you the best that they could manage.

Family = Love, support system, Loyalty, truth, and Trust

Relative = self-serving acts, falsehoods (lies), fake smiles and fake hugs, destructive or abusive behavior toward you, betrayal.

I will always be loyal to my family; my relatives will be kept at a safe distance. I keep them each in their perspective place.

What is Family to you?


  1. I want to add that I see so often is that people often make the mistake of not knowing which are family and which are the relatives. Some people can't see the family who will always be loyal and trust the relatives who put on a convincing mask. Question is how do you tell the difference?

  2. Wow, I realized, I have a very small family consisting of about 3 or people.
