Sunday, April 29, 2012

Americans and their changing laws

Americans have been allowing changes to their laws with out much complaint or attention since at least 9-11-2001 when Pres. Bush began with the Patriot Act. There were a few out cries of how that takes away American Freedoms but the public brushed them off as extremists. Over the next 11 years more laws have been pushed through and more laws that take away our freedoms have become part of the American way. Unfortunately, Americans don't know about them. The NDAA was passed this year when Obama secretly and quietly signed the bill behind closed doors while in Hawaii. SOPA, PIPA, and ACTA were screamed about so CISPA quietly made it's way through the system with out much notice. It was recently pushed through the house of Reps and is on its way to Senate then it will travel to Obama who will likely sign it quietly just like he did NDAA. It has dawned on me why this can happen here in America. America was once a great country that was run and controlled for the most part by the citizens (the People). Over the years, century after century, decade after decade, Americans became more complacent and lazy and began to relinquish their power over to the government.

Now, The general American Population has no clue what is happening. They believe that their beloved freedoms that they have been taking for granted all their lives will always be there and be protected by the government who they gave their power too. Unfortunately, because the majority of Americans have stopped paying attention to what is going on around them and no longer understand the laws that provides their freedoms and offers protection of those freedoms. Because of this ignorance, the government who has kept a watchful eye on these laws and have been waiting so patiently for the American citizens to close their eyes and fall comfortably to sleep is now making its stealthy move through legislation and removing the laws that PROTECT the freedoms of Americans.

Those Americans who have appointed or Allowed to make the decision know that WITHOUT the laws that PROTECT the freedoms of Americans, the laws granting the freedoms mean nothing and are pretty much worthless. The government keeps the curtains of illusion that resemble freedom, up in the face of the Americans who are sleeping. This allows the sleeping Americans who open their eyes for a second to check if it is still there will see false scenery of implied freedoms and of course they will simply close their eyes again and fall comfortably back to sleep. Meanwhile, the government is stalking around quietly removing all of the laws that support American Freedom and Liberty so that when all of the supportive laws of protection is removed, the curtain of illusion will be removed and the sleeping Americans will awaken to find that those comfy little freedoms that were taken for granted are POOF, gone. Crumbled in a pile of ashes at their feet.

To bad, so sad. I feel sorry for my children and my grandchildren and all of my descendents to follow. Soon, the freedoms I once enjoyed and have known will no longer exist. America is falling. It is not just the economy. The economy is just symptom. Back in the day, one of the tactics of war was to cut off and separate the enemy from needed resources such as supplies of food, medicines and other necessities. Starve them out.

That is what is happening to America. We are being starved out. Soon, the economy will continue to collapse until the majority of its citizens are literally starving and desperate. We are not that far off from desperation already. We are becoming more and more dependent on our government to provide our basic needs such as food, shelter, and medical treatment. Those who didn't have much to begin with are the first to cave in and submit, surrender. The rest will follow as their resources deplete.  The government has already cut off communication and broadcasting of the Occupy Movement. (Modern day Protesting) I bet that most people are not even aware that the Occupy Movement is still happening. The American Citizens who are fighting for American rights and freedoms, Liberty, are growing weary from being cut off from support. The Mighty American Government projects that soon, the Occupy Movement will become still, and go away, silenced by government oppression.

The Government must silence and block all communication of the resistance against Fascism in America. That is another tactic of war. Cut them off from all communication so they will not be able to know what is going on outside of their one little section of the war. This block in communication is Censorship of the Internet. The monitoring of our private conversations, and messages. The Government is using yet another form of war tactic against those of us who are fighting to Keep American Freedoms Protected. This tactic is to monitor all communications of the enemy. Know where and how the enemy is going to strike by listening to their phone calls, reading their electronic communications, Private Facebook and Google+ communications are not exempt but closely monitored.

Keeping Americans distracted by trivial crap such as religion, race, sexual orientation, abortion and the separation of church and state will keep Americans busy enough so that the freedoms can be removed and all the petty issues will no longer mean anything any more. Problem solved, right?

The one thing that breaks my heart the most, is the loss of the freedoms I used to enjoy and appreciate. I am one of the few thousand who can see behind the curtain of illusion. What I see behind that illusion is a very sad, very dull, very government controlled and miserable society. And to think, Americans are Allowing it to happen. Yes they are allowing it by not saying anything, not doing anything, closing their eyes and ignoring it. Not enough Americans are trying to stop it. Not enough Americans Care about it.

It is time to say your good-bye to Lady Liberty because soon she will be buried under new laws and legislation. R.I.P. Lady Liberty  CISPA Video an FYI

1 comment:

  1. Midnight ramblings...
    I am just one of a few thousand crazies who can see the Eagles impending death, while watching it plummet in a downward spiral from its once regal high perch on top of the world in its zealous domination. Soon it will lay shattered beneath the rubble of it's once great Nation. Ah, Poetic Justice. We will Fall just as the Romans did because when history is not remembered, it is doomed to repeat itself.
